Kostas Akrivos
Kostas Akrivos was born in Volos (1958). He studied Medieval and Modern Greek Philology and worked in public education as a philologist. In 1985 he won a short story as the 1st prize for young writers in a newspaper competition. He has worked with many newspapers and literary magazines. He is a member of the Writers’ Association in which he was a member of the Board of Directors. during the two years 2001-2003. He writes in the printed and electronic press for book and intellectual production issues. He has worked with the National Book Center (EKEBI) on Writers in Reading Schools and Clubs. He directs the series One City in Literature from Metaixmio editions.
Professional Membership(members of any other literary organisations in Greece or abroad): HELLENIC AUTHORS’ SOCIETY
In German:
- (2013) Pandämonium: ein Klosterthriller vom Berg Athos. Translator: Nicola Schüle-Maniatopoulos. Frauenfeld, Waldgut Verlag
- (2012) Alfons Hochhauser – der Barfußprophet von Pilion: Roman. Translator: Hans-Bernhard Schlumm. Frankfurt a.M., Größenwahn Verlag
- (2009) Pandämonium: Kriminalroman. Translator: Nicola Schüle-Maniatopoulos. Frauenfeld, Waldgut Verlag
In Italian:
- (2010) PanDemonio. Translator: Claretta Candotti. Milano, Crocetti Editore
- (2011) Antologia del racconto greco contemporaneo. Milano, Emmeti
- (2011) Il vicino di casa: racconti greci contemporanei Translator.: Maurizio De Rosa. Milano, Emmeti
In Dutch:
- (2001) Griekenland aan zee: Griekse schrijvers over hun eilanden II. Translator: Hero Hokwerda. Groningen, Chimaira
In Polish:
- (2015) Pandemonium Translator: Michal Bzinkowski. KSIAZKOWE KLIMATY
Professional awards