Sissy Papathanassiou
Sissy Papathanassiou, is a historian, author, translator, dramatist, and theatre director. A Law School graduate, she has studied theatre and cinema in Greece. She continued her studies in Social Anthropology, the History of Civilizations, and Theatre in Paris at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and at the Sorbonne. Her research and artistic interests revolve around history, ancient Greek literature, transcriptions of tragedy/comedy and their reception, and the dialogue between Greek literary, dramatic and stage writing, on the one hand, and the international scene on the other. In 2004, she founded the International Analogio Festival, an international institution for writing, literature and the arts which has remained active ever since. She has written extensively, edited numerous books, curated exhibitions, and served inter alia as head of the Readings Department at the National Theatre of Greece, on the Board of the International Theatre Institute/Unesco, and as a curator of Greek participations at international cultural events. She is a jury member of the network of the Arab, India and South Asia Theatre Festivals, a Committee member of the Greek Literary Awards, of the greeklit translation grant programme for the translation of Greek publications into other languages, of the enlit European Network for Literary Translation. She lectures at universities & institutes in Greece and abroad. She is currently the Director of Literature and Letters at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.