Επίσημο Παράρτημα του PEN International στην Ελλάδα
Evgenia Vasilakaki was awarded a doctoral degree in 2011 from Dept. Information & Communications, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK. She worked in the past as Project Manager at National Library of Greece and a Lecturer at Dept. of Archival, Library and information Studies, University of West Attica. Her research interests lay on Information Seeking Behavior, LIS roles and information services offered, information literacy, multilingual information retrieval and access, mobile learning and mobile games. She has participated as a project coordinator, working package leader and team leader in national (i.e. DOC-Culture) and European projects (i.e. H2020 CrossCult, Europeana “Rise of Literacy”, Erasmus+ Lib(e)ro). She has published in international peer-reviewed journals namely Library and Information Science Research, New Library World, Library Management, Program, Library Review etc.
Literary Activities
2019: I participated as a member of the Diavazontos Megalono in a “READING (ALOUD) CAMPAIGN: “DIAVAZOYME PAREA!” (“Let’s read together!”)” which was held on the international literacy day (Sept. 8th 2019. It was an open air event with parallel reading aloud sessions in several foreign languages (i.e. French, Arabic, German, English, Greek) for children and families. More than 800 kids participated in the event with their families from 16.00 to 21.00. I participated in the registration, welcoming of the people in charge for the reading aloud (writers, librarians, members of the organization), in providing the coupons for kids to acquire their free copy of a children book from our book bazar.
2019: SYNERGASIA, Symposium ≪Media Literacy Workshops≫, Member of the Organising Committee, November 8th 2019, Eugenides Foundation- Library, Athens Greece. 2018: SYNERGASIA, Symposium ≪Media Literacy and Libraries≫, Member of the Organising Committee, December 1st 2018, Music Library, Megaro Mousikis, Athens Greece.
Main Publications
- Vassilakaki, E., & Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, V. (2015). A systematic literature review informing library and information professionals’ emerging roles. New library world, 116(1/2), 37-66.
- Vassilakaki, E., & Garoufallou, E. (2014). The impact of Facebook on libraries and librarians: a review of the literature. Program, 48(3), 226-245.
- Vassilakaki, E. (2014). Mobile information services in libraries: a review of current trends in delivering information. Interlending & Document Supply, 42(4), 176-186.
- Vassilakaki, E., & Garoufallou, E. (2015). The impact of Twitter on libraries: a critical review of the literature. The electronic library, 33(4), 795-809.
- Vassilakaki, E., & Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, V. (2014). Identifying the prevailing images in library and information science profession: is the landscape changing?. New library world, 115(7/8), 355-375.
- Vassilakaki, E., & Garoufallou, E. (2015). Library Facebook practices for creating and promoting a professional profile. Program, 49(3), 343-359.
- Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, V., Vassilakaki, E., & Tsatsaroni, A. (2015). Choice of library and information science in a rapidly changing information landscape: A systematic literature review. Library management, 36(8/9), 584-608.
- Vassilakaki, E. (2015). Greek public libraries in economic crisis: the past, the present and the future. The Bottom Line, 28(1/2), 77-79.
- Vassilakaki, E., Johnson, F., Hartley, R. J., & Randall, D. (2008, September). A study of users’ image seeking behaviour in FlickLing. In Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages (pp. 251-259). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Vassilakaki, E., & Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, V. (2017). Beyond preservation: investigating the roles of archivist. Library Review, 66(3), 110-126.
- Vassilakaki, E., Johnson, F., & Hartley, R. J. (2012). Image seeking in multilingual environments: a study of the user experience. Information research, 17(4), 17-4.
Professional awards
- 25th November 2015, I was awarded by the TEI of Athens as one of the Lecturers with the most submitted open courses to the Open Courses on TEI-A during 2013-2015.
- Awarded as a Highly Commended Paper of 2014. Vassilakaki, E. and Moniarou- Papakonstantinou, V. (2014). “Identifying the prevailing images in Library and Information Science profession: is the landscape changing?”. New Library World, 115 (7/8): 355-375.